Juan José Hurtado

Más de 30 años de experiencia. 

Apasionado por el Futuro del Trabajo y con una mentalidad “People-First”, Juan José tiene más de 30 años de experiencia en puestos de Liderazgo Senior en diferentes geografias y empresas de toda América  como ARMCO, AFP INTEGRA, UNILEVER, Y LAUREATE. Como Presidente & CEO Laureate México Juanjo lidero uno de los países más grandes en Laureate con más de 200,000 estudiantes. Creador de Estrategias de Talento, Líder de Cambio Empresarial, Impulsor de Cultura y Propósito y Asesor y Coach de Confianza, mas allá de su exitosa experiencia en la Dirección de los Negocios ha permitido que se haya convertido en un experto en Transformaciones y Evolución en los negocios. Juan José es Ingeniero Industrial por la Universidad de Lima, así como MBA por el IESE (Universidad de Navarra) en Barcelona, España.



Current role

People LED Strategy and Business

Transformation Consulting At Humand we believe in a positive and exciting human future. Our vision is a new kind of organization. A place where the combination of the human potential and exponential technology can bring the best for the people, for the communities and for the planet.

Laureate Mexico


President & CEO Laureate Mexico

Founder – Executive Vice President Current role

Laureate Education Inc, Miami / Florida: USA
One of the Biggest Higher Education company with presence in Latin America in 2 countries Mexico & Peru more than 400K students & 1.2 MM US$ in revenues in 2022

Direct report to the CEO 200K students and 600M US$ in revenues. Leader in the Private Higher Education in Mexico. Led pandemic response strategy ● Led the 2-day migration of 100% of students from in person to virtual without major disruption. ● Strategized and manage an aggressive strategic turnaround of the business. Restructured the management of all commercial & operational functions. Results include: o $20 million reduction in expenses o Market share growth in 2020 1 percentage points & in 2021 2.5 percentage points o Margin growth from 12% to 15% in 2020 and 21% in 2021 expecting finish 2022 in 24% o NPS increase in students and faculty in more than 40%

Laureate Central America


SVP Learning & Innovation / CEO

Led key Academic Initiatives across ALL the Network (on that ages more than 20 countries / 80 universities & more than 1 million students. Managed operations of our 6 universities & 70K students in Panama, Honduras & Costa Rica.
● Improved retention in 20% and NPS (Net Promoter Score) in our student & faculty in more than 20bps
● Turned around the region (special focus in Costa Rica & Panama) with double digit growth & more than 20% margin. Prestige & Academic reputation stronger than ever



SVP Human Resource Latin America

Latin America was the 70% of the total business in 2012. The Board decided to create the Latin America Region to boost the growth and consolidate the way of working in the most important piece of the business
● Reduced turnover by 25% by designing and implementing in collaboration with the CEO of the region new processes and roles, new Strategic Framework and leadership priorities.

Robo veniam ancillae ea sea, ne veri rebum luptatum mei, pro regione volumus expetendis cu. Ex modus labitur principes nam. Ex eius scripta ius, ea cum illud temporibus adversarium, molestie gloriatur ea duo.

Unilever, Mexico


Human Resources & Corporate Affairs Vice President Mexico, Central America & Caribbean

More than 10K employees in 12 countries with sales volume of approx. US$1.6MM.
● Implemented a very aggressive strategy to develop Mexican talent. o Reduced Expat from 42 to 9 and exporting Mexican talent from 12 to 45.
● Reduced People cost from 17.5% to 12.5 % of sales. Efficient Organization one of the big priorities of the company... span of control, clear definition of roles and accountability.
● One of the best companies to work in Mexico & Central America- No-Union disruption in 10 years despite of 3 factory closures and aggressive efficient plans implemented in the region.

Unilever Central America


Human Resource Vice President

Oversaw of 6 countries and 3K employees



Human Resources Director Peru & Bolivia

Oversaw 2 countries 1.5K employees Prior roles include Administration & Human Resources Director AFP Integra (Peru, 3/1993-2/1998) and HR Vice President with ARMCO (Peru 10/1989-2/1993).